Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quick and easy bread

I love this recipe. You can have a nice loaf of bread in about 45 minutes, start to finish. My good friend Holly gave me this recipe. I will say that to me, it's not the best bread I've ever had, but I make it at least once a week just because it is so fast. Plus it's great for french toast. I'll usually use it for dinner one night and use the second loaf for french toast a few nights later.

2 cups warm water
2 Tablespoons yeast (yes, TABLESPOONS!)
2 T. sugar (I put 4T though)
1 T. salt
5 to 6 cups flour

pour warm water in a metal bowl (metal is best for bread since it retains heat). Dissolve yeast in the water. In another bowl (I just add this directly to the water) mix flour (I add 1/2 and then slowly add the rest small increments at a time), sugar, and salt.

I mix all of this using a wooden spoon. After almost all the flour is added I just put it on the counter and knead in the rest of the flour until the dough is a good consistency. You could easily make this in a Bosch though, or some other mixer.

Let dough sit for 15 minutes. It should raise pretty well. This is part of the reason I add more sugar. Sugar (or any sucrose) is what reacts with yeast to make it rise.

Form into whatever kind of bread you want. I make 2 french bread style loaves. You could make bread sticks or bread bowls too.

Bake at 425 for 10 to 15 minutes. I turn the oven to 400. I find that my bread bakes better at a lower temp here at 7000 ft.

so, there it is! I hope you guys like it.

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