Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christine's (my SIL) caramels

2 cups (1 pint) heavy whipping cream
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 cup butter
1 tsp. vanilla

butter 8X8X2 pan.

heat cream to lukewarm in large, heavy suacepan.
Pour out 1 cup cream and set aside.
Add sugar, corn syrup, and salt to remaining cream in pan.
Cook, stirring constantly until mixture boils.

Add remaining cream VERY SLOWLY... almost in drops so that mixture stays boiling. If you cool it down to wear it isn't boiling it won't combine well. Stir the whole time.

Add butter 1/2 tablespoon at a time. keep mixture boiling!

turn heat to low. Boil gently while stirring until temp reaches 248 degrees at sea level....239 degrees in Kaysville, UT.

Remove from heat. Add vanilla. let stand 10 minutes.

Turn out on cutting board. Cut into squares.

1 comment:

Lovedoit said...

Such a cute blog.
I've just done mine see what you think ;)